Thursday, March 8, 2012

Acne Scars.

*shiver* even the sound of them bring me back to my early high school years. Well if you suffer from them be ready to thank me for the cure! The main problem with those scars on your face is dead or damaged skin cells. this is what I do to get rid of mine-

Exfoliate- you need to scrub off the dead skin and give room for new ones to form! im not talking limestone-to-the-face here (even though I tried that, ouch!) im talking about a nice soft scrub that wont damage your skin. i recommend St. Ives Apricot Scrub.

Hydrate- what do you do when your about to go out wearing a cute mini skirt? YOU MAKE SURE YOUR LEGS AREN'T ASHY. Im sorry but its the truth. the same goes for your face. Don't ever walk out of your bathroom without putting on a face cream or sun block. I've been using Vaseline Intensive Rescue Repairing Moisture on my face and it not only cleared it of marks and scars, it also grew out my eyelashes and puffed my lips out beautifully! But if your feeling if-y about putting that on your face, I also have another product that can help tremendously. Artistry facial products. I had gotten QUICK results with artistry and it knocked the breath out of me! literally! I mean I only used it for one day and I woke up with radiant skin.

OK, im going to start off with the main problem I had as a teen...(drum roll) 
ACNE! If your like me, your probably suffering from something that others don't make a big deal about but to you, to YOU, its completely noticeable and embarrassing. 
If you honestly want to get rid of it then throw away everything you have learned from TV commercials. Im serious. You name it, I've tried it. 

  1. proactive- worked for a while then BAM! doubled the amount of pimples I had to begin with.
  2. clean and clear- burnt my skin. horribly.
  3. nuetrogena- gave me rashes. it wasn't pretty.

....and the list goes on and on. now, I've stopped using all these products and started using good old fashioned soap. it worked wonders. but im not talking about that soap you usually use to scrub your body while in the shower. Im talking about that really soft milk soap! it didn't dry up my skin and it was able to clean my pores.
I use that every day except for Mondays. Mondays are the most stressing days of my week so I switch over to an Aloe Vera soap. Im happy to say that since that change I've been acne free! just remember that results don't come automatically. you need to continue your routine for at least two months!

If you tried this and didn't get the results you wanted, tell me your age, skin type, and the types of products you use. Ill go exploring for you :]